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About Me

Adrian kneeling on futon

My first encounter with Shiatsu truly opened my eyes to this compassionate practice. It was around 1995 when a close friend recommended we try Shiatsu at a student clinic in North London, and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I felt immediately at ease for three reasons: I remained fully clothed, the atmosphere was calming, and the trainee practitioner's demeanour was composed. By the end of the session, I realised this was something special that I wanted to explore further, but at the time, my commitments to various music groups and martial arts made it difficult to start my training. In late 2015, everything fell into place and I was finally ready to dedicate myself to three years of studying Zen Shiatsu. 

I chose to practice Zen Shiatsu primarily to help ease the symptoms a hectic and stressful lifestyle often causes for many individuals. However, it took on a deeper meaning for myself and my parents. Prior to my parents passing away, my dad in 2016 and my mother in 2022, I felt incredibly grateful that I could offer them additional care in the form of Zen Shiatsu and massage before they died. I gave gentle treatments as my father laid in the hospital bed and complete Shiatsu treatments to my mother, who was dealing with onset dementia. Witnessing their calm and serene demeanour after the treatments highlighted the value of caring and compassionate touch.

As a practitioner, I enjoy developing my skills through continuous professional development (CPD) and supplementary courses that complement my Zen Shiatsu practice. These courses have covered topics such as Classical Theory in Clinical Practice, Dry Cupping and its various styles, Indirect Moxibustion, Daoyin techniques, Zangfu Acupressure, and methods for supporting hyper-mobility and individuals coping with fatigue.

I only study the subjects that will complement Zen Shiatsu, subjects that are based on the same philosophy.


My main focus is to help alleviate or reduce the discomfort that you are experiencing. So even though Zen Shiatsu is at the heart of your treatment, depending on what may be helpful, some of your sessions could involve some techniques that resemble ampuku, energy-work, massage, physiotherapy, or acupressure.

Zen Shiatsu and Wellbeing logo

When I was in my early teens, I had a some interest in martial arts, I tried a bit of Karate and Wing-Chun, but when those classes disbanded I didn't really bother looking for another club to join. Then one day in 1994, a friend suggested that we give this Kung Fu school ago. It was called 'Southern Shaolin Five Ancestor Fist'. What a name! How could you not be captivated by that name alone?

The classes were tough, but it was the right place for me. Over the next 20 years, I trained under Master Han Jin Yuan and achieved the level of instructor (2nd degree black belt).

​Those days were truly amazing, and I met some extremely talented people.​

​I am no longer training in martial arts at the same level that I was, I have found that Wuji and Qi Gong are ideal for me as a Shiatsu practitioner.

Once I decided to become a Zen Shiatsu practitioner, I needed to find somewhere that would be comfortable for me to spend the next 3 years studying to obtain my diploma. It wasn't long before I found the London College of Shiatsu.

There were so many aspects of the course that I enjoyed and appreciated, but most of all, I enjoyed being taught by Nik Kyriacou and Veronica Howard. It was a blessing to have had these two walk us through the wonderful world of Zen Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Their lineage, experience, and passion to see that every student is given the support and encouragement needed were second to none.

Through the course, I learned a great deal about myself and how to be more self-aware in my day-to-day life, and what providing compassionate treatments means.

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The London College of Shiatsu, is recognised by the Shiatsu Society who are the governing body of Shiatsu in the UK, and they assure that the standards of the schools and practitioners are high. As a professional practitioner, I am an insured Member of the Register of the Shiatsu Society (MrSS).

Here is a Links to find out some more about the Shiatsu Society.

My Mission Statement

My goal is to transform lives through this bodywork therapy and alleviate or eliminate pain and stress in people with the compassionate use of Zen Shiatsu, providing a better quality of life.


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